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Retrieves documents from the database.

Similar to a MongoDB db.collection.find(), with some syntax restrictions


#db.f(query, projection).cursor_method()



Selection filter for documents in the script owner's database. An empty query ( {} ) selects all documents.

Various MongoDB query operators can be used for conditional matching and other advanced querying functionality.


Optional argument to specify what key-value pairs to return from documents which match the query filter.


The method to use on the returned cursor ("the data")


The projection parameter determines which fields are returned in the matching documents. The projection parameter consists of an object with the following syntax:

{ <key1>: <value>, <key2>: <value> ... }

Projection ParameterDescription
key: [1 / true]Includes the key-value pair in the document return
key: [0 / false]Excludes the key-value pair from the document return
"key.$": [1 / true]If the key's value is an array, returns the first query-matching element on that array
key: [array]If the key's value is an array, uses array projection operators ($elemMatch, $slice) to specify the array elements to include.

Cursor Methods

Once data has been retrieved with a #db.f(..) command, a cursor is returned referencing the documents retrieved from the query. Multiple cursor methods can be ran against the cursor.


Many cursor methods will close the cursor upon usage. This prevents its further usage. Cursor closure can be prevented by using an '_and_keep_open' variant of the cursor method.

If any cursors are left open at the end of a script run, a :::TRUST COMMUNICATION::: will be thrown.

The following cursor methods are available:

first()Returns the first matching document from the query. Closes the cursor. first_and_keep_open() will leave the cursor open
array()Returns all matching documents from the query, as an array. Closes the cursor. array_and_keep_open() will leave the cursor open
count()Returns the number of matching documents. Closes the cursor. count_and_keep_open() will leave the cursor open
each(function)Applies a Javascript function to every matching document. The function's first argument will contain the document. Closes the cursor. each_and_keep_open() will leave the cursor open
distinct(key)Returns an array of all unique values found for matching keys from the query. Closes the cursor. distinct_and_keep_open() will leave the cursor open
sort(..)Sorts the returned documents according to MongoDB's sort syntax. Can be chained into other methods
skip(num)skips the first num documents in the query result. Can be chained into other methods
limit(num)Limits the number of returned documents to num. Can be chained into other methods
close()Closes the cursor


function(context, args) {
where the database already contains documents:
{type:"my_data", my_key:"foo"},
{type:"my_data", my_key:"bar"}
let data = #db.f({type:"my_data"}).first();
return data; // {type:"my_data", my_key:"foo"}
function(context, args) {
where the database already contains documents:
{type:"my_data", my_key:"foo"},
{type:"my_data", my_key:"bar"}
let data = #db.f({type:{$exists:true} }).array();

return data; // [{type:"my_data", my_key:"foo"}, {type:"my_data", my_key:"bar"}]