📄️ accts.balance
Returns the user's current GC balance
📄️ accts.balance_of_owner
Returns the script owner's GC balance
📄️ accts.transactions
Returns a log of the user's transactions
📄️ accts.xfer_gc_to
Sends GC to a specified target
📄️ accts.xfer_gc_to_caller
Sends GC to the script caller
📄️ autos.reset
Resets the caller's autocompletes
📄️ chats.channels
Gets all of the channels the caller is in
📄️ chats.create
Creates a custom chat channel
📄️ chats.join
Joins a specified channel
📄️ chats.leave
Leaves a specified channel
📄️ chats.send
Sends a message to a specified channel
📄️ chats.tell
Sends a private message to a specified user
📄️ chats.users
Shows which users are present in a specified channel
📄️ corps.create
Creates a player corporation, for 1BGC
📄️ corps.hire
Hires another user to a player corporation
📄️ corps.manage
Manage various administrative aspects of a corp
📄️ corps.offers
View offers from player corporations
📄️ corps.quit
Leave a player corporation
📄️ corps.top
Returns the top 10 player coporations by total GC
📄️ escrow.charge
Consensually charges a caller GC to use a script
📄️ escrow.confirm
Validates an escrow.charge payment
📄️ escrow.stats
Returns the caller's escrow sales stats
📄️ gui.chats
Dictates the behavior of chat in the main terminal/chat window
📄️ gui.quiet
Quietens a user's chats in the terminal
📄️ gui.size
Changes text size
📄️ gui.vfx
Controls client video effects settings
📄️ gui.vol
Controls the game volume
📄️ kernel.hardline
Engages hardline mode
📄️ market.browse
Shows upgrades currently for sale on the market
📄️ market.buy
Purchases upgrades listed on the market
📄️ market.sell
Creates listings on the market
📄️ market.stats
Returns info about the caller's market sales
📄️ marks.available
Displays recommended Marks the caller can achieve
📄️ marks.protocol
Displays the caller's protocol
📄️ marks.sync
Skips all Required Marks
📄️ scripts.fullsec
Lists FULLSEC sectors and scripts
📄️ scripts.get_access_level
Gets the access level of a script
📄️ scripts.get_level
Gets the security level of a script
📄️ scripts.highsec
Lists HIGHSEC sectors and scripts
📄️ scripts.lowsec
Lists LOWSEC sectors and scripts
📄️ scripts.midsec
Lists MIDSEC sectors and scripts
📄️ scripts.nullsec
Lists NULLSEC sectors and scripts
📄️ scripts.quine
Outputs the source code of a script
📄️ scripts.sys
Lists the caller's accessible system scripts
📄️ scripts.trust
((scripts.trust)) lists the TRUST scripts.
📄️ scripts.user
Returns the scripts currently hosted on a user
📄️ sys.access_log
Returns the user's system access log
📄️ sys.breach
Breaches the caller's system
📄️ sys.cull
Destroys specified upgrades
📄️ sys.init
Initializes a system, or upgrades its tier
📄️ sys.loc
Returns the calling system's loc
📄️ sys.manage
Loads, unloads or reorders upgrades
📄️ sys.specs
Returns the user's system specs
📄️ sys.status
Returns the user's system status
📄️ sys.upgrade_log
Displays the user's upgrade log
📄️ sys.upgrades
Displays the user's system upgrades
📄️ sys.upgrades_of_owner
Displays the script owner's upgrades
📄️ sys.xfer_upgrade_to
Sends upgrade(s) to a specified user
📄️ sys.xfer_upgrade_to_caller
Sends upgrades from the script owner to the caller
📄️ trust.me
📄️ users.active
Displays the number of currently active users
📄️ users.config
Customizes a user's users.inspect profile
📄️ users.inspect
Displays the specified user's profile
📄️ users.last_action
Displays the time of a specified user's last action
📄️ users.top
Displays the top 10 users by GC