It is possible to color hackmud text using built-in color codes.
Color codes are denoted by a pair of backticks (`) enclosing the text and an alphanumeric color identifier. The identifier is placed before the text, inside the backticks.
An example:
Will produce: text
Alphanumeric identifier | RGB color value |
0 | #9B9B9B |
1 | #FFFFFF |
2 | #1EFF00 |
3 | #0070DD |
4 | #B035EE |
5 | #FF8000 |
6 | #FF8000 |
7 | #FF8000 |
8 | #FF8000 |
9 | #FF8000 |
a | #000000 |
b | #3F3F3F |
c | #676767 |
d | #7D0000 |
e | #8E3434 |
f | #A34F00 |
g | #725437 |
h | #A88600 |
i | #B2934A |
j | #939500 |
k | #495225 |
l | #299400 |
m | #23381B |
n | #00535B |
o | #324A4C |
p | #0073A6 |
q | #385A6C |
r | #010067 |
s | #507AA1 |
t | #601C81 |
u | #43314C |
v | #8C0069 |
w | #973984 |
x | #880024 |
y | #762E4A |
z | #101215 |
C | #9B9B9B |
D | #FF0000 |
E | #FF8383 |
F | #FF8000 |
G | #F3AA6F |
H | #FBC803 |
I | #FFD863 |
J | #FFF404 |
K | #F3F998 |
L | #1EFF00 |
M | #B3FF9B |
N | #00FFFF |
O | #8FE6FF |
P | #0070DD |
Q | #A4E3FF |
R | #0000FF |
S | #7AB2F4 |
T | #B035EE |
U | #E6C4FF |
V | #FF00EC |
W | #FF96E0 |
X | #FF0070 |
Y | #FF6A98 |
Z | #0C112B |
In-game colors
In-game, there are certain strings that are automatically highlighted by the client. They are detailed below, with a description and the color identifier.
String | Description and identifier |
standard text | The default string color. Uses color #83B0F2. |
user.script | Script name highlighting. The script author uses color C. The script name uses color L. |
trust.script | See above, but for Trust scripts. The user name for Trust scripts are highlighted with color F. |
9Q7T199B254M740K991GC | GC string highlighting. The numbers use color B, the "GC" at the end uses color C. The following colors match to the following denominations: N -> 1KGC, L -> 1MGC, J -> 1BGC, T -> 1TGC, D -> 1QGC. |
VOID_LAMBDA_2 | Sectors are automatically highlighted with the sector's axiom color (detailed below). |
DATA | The axiom DATA uses the color q. |
KIN | The axiom KIN uses the color N. |
FORM | The axiom FORM uses the color l. |
VOID | The axiom VOID uses the color I. |
CHAOS | The axiom CHAOS uses the color D. |
CHOICE | The axiom CHOICE uses the color F. |
LAW | The axiom LAW uses the color n. |
SPC_9999 | "Gray sectors" use the color C |
WILD | The axiom WILD uses the color E. |
key: "value" | Object keys use the color N, values use the color V. |
:::TRUST COMMUNICATION::: | Trust communications use the color D. |
@user, @user, @user, @user, @user, and @user | Usernames can use six different colors. The @ uses color C, and the name itself can take on any of the colors JKMWLB. |
3019AD D123 | This date format has four elements. The year is highlighted with color A, the day with color L. "AD" is colored with color B, and "D" is colored with color C. |
Upgrade rarities noob, kiddie, h4x0r, h4rdc0r3, |_|b3|2, and 31337 | Upgrade rarities are colored using the rarity value as a number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively. |