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users.inspect displays the profile of a specified user.

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users.inspect { name: "seanmakesgames" }


#hs.users.inspect({ name: "seanmakesgames" })


name (required)

The 'name' argument takes a string and specifies the user to inspect.

badge_info (optional)

When provided against a user's profile who has badges, more information about their badges (if any) is provided. In a subscript, the 'badges' array becomes an array of objects instead of an array of badge strings.


Returns an object.

CLI (without badge_info:true)

>>users.inspect { name: "seanmakesgames" }

packbot seanmakesgames [iwin]

██████████ I don't make the game
I just play it really well.

User for 3357 days 141107.0305

This is a main user

-badges- details with badge_info: true

▂ █▀▀▀◣ |/ /
◢▂◣ █▀▀▀◤ / ,) <,\
◢◤ ◥◣ ████◤ (___) T▂T▂_

CLI (with badge_info:true)

>>users.inspect {name:"seanmakesgames",badge_info:true}

packbot seanmakesgames [iwin]

██████████ I don't make the game
I just play it really well.

User for 3380 days 141107.0305

This is a main user


▂ alpha
◢▂◣ i knew her as alice.
◢◤ ◥◣

█▀▀▀◣ beta
█▀▀▀◤ i know where the bodies are buried.

|/ garbage_collector_v1
/ ,) oom.gibsun used more than 268435456 bytes
(___) of memory and was terminated.

/ builder
<,\ a contributor to the mud we all make with.

Script (without badge_info:true)

username: "seanmakesgames",
avatar: " \n \n \n \n ██████████ \n \n \n ",
pronouns: "he/him",
user_age: "2014-11-07T03:05:29.789Z",
bio: "I don't make the game\nI just play it really well.",
title: "packbot",
corp: "iwin",
is_main: true,
badges: [
" ▂ \n ◢▂◣ \n◢◤ ◥◣",
" |/ \n / ,)\n(___)",
" / \n <,\\\nT▂T▂_"

Script (with badge_info:true)

username: "seanmakesgames",
avatar: " \n \n \n \n ██████████ \n \n \n
pronouns: "he/him",
user_age: "2014-11-07T03:05:29.789Z",
bio: "I don't make the game\nI just play it really well.",
title: "packbot",
corp: "iwin",
is_main: true,
badges: [
description: "i knew her as alice.",
badge: " ▂ \n ◢▂◣ \n◢◤ ◥◣",
name: "alpha"
description: "i know where the bodies are buried.",
badge: "█▀▀▀◣\n█▀▀▀◤\n████◤",
name: "beta"
description: "oom.gibsun used more than 268435456 bytes\nof memory and was terminated.",
badge: " |/ \n / ,)\n(___)",
name: "garbage_collector_v1"
description: "a contributor to the mud we all make with.",
badge: " / \n <,\\\nT▂T▂_",
name: "builder"


function(context, args)
return #hs.users.inspect({ name: "seanmakesgames" })